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About Fanita Ranch

Vote NO. The massive 3,008-unit Fanita Project has "significant unavoidable impacts" to streets, intersections and highways [Environmental Impact Report]. 


A "Statement of Overriding Considerations" was required to approve the project. Multiple project approvals by city council were defeated by the people and courts. Unfortunately, the city council sides with New York corporations - not you.

Are you willing to pay new taxes to construct an elementary school? The Santee School District states they don't have the money and the “cost is likely to exceed $70 million.” [p.5]  The developer says they will provide $9 million, but fails to mention the public costs in their ads.


Are you willing to sit longer in traffic? Over 25,000 vehicle trips per day will be added by Fanita. Significant adverse impacts are unavoidable.


The developer makes grand promises of traffic relief, but fails to build new outlet roads. Their mirage depends upon millions of taxpayer dollars to widen SR-52 in an unlikely scenario that will be overburdened by regional sprawl regardless.

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Paid for by Preserve Wild Santee Stop Fanita Ranch No on __

 FPPC #980429

Copyright © 2020 Preserve Wild Santee - All Rights Reserved.

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